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Executive Health Checks

We believe in helping you to maintain a healthy lifestyle by reinforcing health enriching habits and identifying those factors that potentially create future health risks.

Well person checks are a specialised medical check-up, tailored to each patient which will provide you with a snap shot of your general health. They are ideal for those who recognise that, as they get older, they need to take better care of their health.

This rigorous health screen encompasses a broad range of diagnostic assessments to measure your health status and thus help maintain a healthy lifestyle for the future.

We aim to:

  • Identify your high risk factors and identify signs of early disease (if present) before you get symptoms.
  • Use our medical expertise to deal with any urgent health issues or concerns.
  • Educate you about your risk factors for major,preventable diseases, and help you implement a program to avoid developing a preventable disease or becoming a high-risk individual.